Introducing the Easy Camp Backgammon Picnic Rug - the perfect addition to your outdoor gear collection. This stylish and practical rug is perfect for picnics, camping trips, and beach outings. Designed with a classic backgammon pattern, this rug is not only functional but also adds a touch of style to any outdoor gathering.
Whether you're planning a picnic in the park or a day at the beach, the Easy Camp Backgammon Picnic Rug is the perfect accessory. With its durable construction and water-resistant backing, you can relax and enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about getting wet or dirty. Plus, its compact size and easy-to-carry design make it a breeze to transport to any location. Order yours today and start enjoying the great outdoors in style!
- Material: Polyester
- Dimensions: 145 x 145 cm
- Weight: 0.9 kg
- Colour: Blue and white
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