Grangers' Tent + Gear Cleaner is a sponge-on cleaner designed to clean dirt, dust, pollen and all other performance-impairing impurities from outdoor gear.
Over time, and with prolonged use, even the best outdoor gear will begin to lose its ability to repel water. That's because residues and impurities that settle on your gear all absorb water. As your equipment gets dirtier, the more water it absorbs, leaving it much more likely to leak.
- Tent + Gear Cleaner removes all dirt and stains and prepares gear for fresh waterproofing treatments.
- Tent + Gear Repel provides durable repellency.
- The expanding sponge is perfect for cleaning your gear.
- Water-based.
We offer free delivery on all orders over €75, and €5.95 for all orders under €75.
-We aim to ship all orders placed before 3:00pm on the same business day and have it delivered next-day, but in busy periods can take longer, so allow for up to 3 business days.
We accept returns within 30 days of receiving the item, either in-store or by post.
- All items returned must be suitable to be sold again as new.
- All returns can be organised with An Post click & post, and will be fulfilled as soon as they arrive back at our store. Click here to start a return
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Free Delivery on orders over €75
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